इहाश्रमपदोऽस्माकं समीपे शुभदर्शनाः।
करिष्ये वोऽत्र पूजां वै सर्वेषां विधिपूर्वकम्॥
ihāśrama-pado ’smākaṁ samīpe śubha-darśanāḥ
kariṣye vo ’tra pūjāṁ vai sarveṣāṁ vidhi-pūrvakam
iha = here; aśrama-padaḥ = āśrama; asmākam = is our; samīpe = nearby in this forest; śubha-darśanāḥ = O persons of auspicious appearance; kariṣye = shall; vaḥ = you; atra vai = there; pūjām = honor; sarveṣām = all of; vidhi-pūrvakam = in accordance with scriptural regulations.
Here, nearby in this forest, is our āśrama. O persons of auspicious appearance, I shall honor all of you there in accordance with scriptural regulations.
1 Rśyaśṛṅga literally said, “I will honor all of you men there” and so on. Had he recognized that they were women, he would have used the word sarvāsām instead of sarveṣām. That is the point made in the commentary here.
The implied meaning is, “All of you must come to our āśrama.” Sarveṣām (“all”) is in the masculine gender as he does not know women.1