Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 10: Ṛśyaśṛṅga Comes to Romapada’s kingdom
Text 1.10.16
ऋषिपुत्रवचः श्रुत्वा सर्वासां मतिरास वै।
तदाश्रमपदं द्रष्टुं जग्मुः सर्वाश्च तेन ताः॥
ṛṣi-putra-vacaḥ śrutvā sarvāsāṁ matir āsa vai
tad āśrama-padaṁ draṣṭuṁ jagmuḥ sarvāś ca tena tāḥ
ṛṣi-putra-vacaḥ = the words of the son of the sage; śrutvā = hearing; sarvāsām = all of them; matiḥ = the desire; āsa vai = got; tat āśrama-padam = his āśrama; draṣṭum = to see; jagmuḥ = went; sarvāḥ = all; ca = and; tena = with him; tāḥ = of them.
Hearing the words of the son of the sage, all of them got the desire to see his āśrama and all of them went with him.