सरय्वाश्चोत्तरे तीरे यज्ञभूमिर्विधीयताम्।
शान्तयश्चाभिवर्धन्तां यथाकल्पं यथाविधि॥
sarayvāś cottare tīre yajña-bhūmir vidhīyatām
śāntayaś cābhivardhantāṁ yathā-kalpaṁ yathā-vidhi
sarayvāḥ ca = of Sarayū; uttare = on the northern; tīre = bank; yajña-bhūmiḥ = a sacrificial arena; vidhīyatām = prepare; śāntayaḥ ca = the performances of rituals that destroy obstacles to such auspicious activities; abhivardhantāṁ = increase; yathā-kalpaṁ = in the prescribed order; yathā-vidhi = and as per scriptural regulations.
Prepare a sacrificial arena on the northern bank of Sarayū. Increase the performances of rituals that destroy obstacles to such auspicious activities in the prescribed order and as per scriptural regulations.
[6] puṇya-nāma-deva-yajanam adhyavasyati.
The king selected an area pious and fit for a sacrificial performance as stated in the scriptures [6]. He selected the northern bank of Sarayū for it would be secluded.