Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 12: Preparation for the Aśvamedha Sacrifice
Text 1.12.15

सरय्वाश्चोत्तरे तीरे यज्ञभूमिर्विधीयताम्।
शान्तयश्चाभिवर्धन्तां यथाकल्पं यथाविधि॥

sarayvāś cottare tīre yajña-bhūmir vidhīyatām
cābhivardhantāṁ yathā-kalpaṁ yathā-vidhi

sarayvāḥ ca = of Sarayū; uttare = on the northern; tīre = bank; yajña-bhūmiḥ = a sacrificial arena; vidhīyatām = prepare; śāntayaḥ ca = the performances of rituals that destroy obstacles to such auspicious activities; abhivardhantāṁ = increase; yathā-kalpaṁ = in the prescribed order; yathā-vidhi = and as per scriptural regulations.

Prepare a sacrificial arena on the northern bank of Sarayū. Increase the performances of rituals that destroy obstacles to such auspicious activities in the prescribed order and as per scriptural regulations.

The king selected an area pious and fit for a sacrificial performance as stated in the scriptures [6]. He selected the northern bank of Sarayū for it would be secluded.

[6] puṇya-nāma-deva-yajanam adhyavasyati.