Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 13: Daśaratha Goes to the Sacrificial Arena
Text 1.13.16

यथा सर्वं सुविहितं न किञ्चित्परिहीयते।
तथा भवन्तः कुर्वन्तु प्रीतिस्निग्धेन चेतसा॥

yathā sarvaṁ suvihitaṁ na kiñcit parihīyate
bhavantaḥ kurvantu prīti-snigdhena cetasā

yathā sarvam suvihitam = everything exactly as prescribed; na = not; kiñcit = anything; parihīyate = and do leave undone; tathā bhavantaḥ kurvantu = do; prīti-snigdhena = moistened with affection; cetasā = with minds.

With minds moistened with affection, do everything exactly as prescribed and do not leave anything undone.