Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 18: The Advent of Rāma, Lakṣmaṇa, Bharata and Śatrughna
Text 1.18.38

ते चापि मनुजव्याघ्रा वैदिकाध्ययने रताः।
पितृशुश्रूषणरता धनुर्वेदे च निष्ठिताः॥

te cāpi manuja-vyāghrā vaidikādhyayane ratāḥ
dhanur-vede ca niṣṭhitāḥ

te ca api = though protected by Their father; manuja-vyāghrāḥ = those tigers of men; vaidika-adhyayane = in Vedic studies; ratāḥ = became absorbed; pitṛ-śuśrūṣaṇa-ratāḥ = services to Their father; dhanur-vede = in Dhanurveda; ca = and; niṣṭhitāḥ = became fixed.

Though protected by Their father, those tigers of men became absorbed in Vedic studies, services to Their father and became fixed in Dhanurveda.

Noticing Their father’s happiness, They once again became absorbed in Their Vedic studies—studies of the Smṛti, Purāṇa, Nyāya and so on.