Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 2: Lord Brahmā Instructs Vālmīki
Text 1.2.12

वियुक्ता पतिना तेन द्विजेन सहचारिणा।
ताम्रशीर्षेण मत्तेन पत्रिणा सहितेन वै॥

viyuktā patinā tena dvijena sahacāriṇā
tāmra-śīrṣeṇa mattena patriṇā sahitena vai

viyuktā = was separated; patinā = from her husband; tena dvijena = her husband [7]; sahacāriṇā = her constant companion; tāmra-śīrṣeṇa = with a red head; mattena = and who was overcome by a desire to mate; patriṇā = and excellent wings; sahitena vai = from.

[The female krauñca bird] was separated from her husband, her constant companion with a red head and excellent wings, and who was overcome by a desire to mate.

Sahitena indicates that the couple were united in mind too. The reasons for the female bird’s great lamentation are indicated here.

[7] danta-viprāṇḍajā dvijāḥ (Amara).