Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 2: Lord Brahmā Instructs Vālmīki
Text 1.2.29

शोचन्नेव मुहुः क्रौञ्चीमुप श्लोकमिमं पुनः।
जगावन्तर्मना भूत्वा शोकपरायणः॥

śocann eva muhuḥ krauñcīm upa ślokam imaṁ punaḥ
jagāv antar-manā bhūtvā śoka-parāyaṇaḥ

śocan eva = lamenting; muhuḥ = still thinking; krauñcīm = about the female krauñca bird; upa = he; ślokam = the śloka; imam = beginning niṣāda; punaḥ = again; jagau = sang; antar-manāḥ bhūtvā =to himself; śoka-parāyaṇaḥ = overcome by distress [over the death of the male krauñca bird].

Overcome by distress over the death of the male krauñca bird and still lamenting about the female krauñca bird, he again sang the śloka beginning niṣāda to himself.

The words upa and jagau have to be read together [according to a grammatical rule, and the combined meaning of these two words is “sang”]. Vālmīki sang the verse niṣāda (text 15) within his mind.1

1 The very fact that even in the presence of Lord Brahmā, the spiritual master of the universe, the self-disciplined Vālmīki’s mind recited that verse beginning niṣāda indicates that it was happening by the desire of Lord Brahmā.