स हि वीर्यवतां वीर्यमादत्ते युधि राक्षसः।
तेन चाहं न शक्नोमि संयोद्धुं तस्य वा बलैः।
सबलो वा मुनिश्रेष्ठ सहितो वा ममात्मजैः॥
sa hi vīryavatāṁ vīryam ādatte yudhi rākṣasaḥ
tena cāhaṁ na śaknomi saṁyoddhuṁ tasya vā balaiḥ
sabalo vā muni-śreṣṭha sahito vā mamātmajaiḥ
saḥ = that; hi = indeed; vīryavatām = of the powerful; vīryam = the powers; ādatte = destroys; yudhi = in war; rākṣasaḥ = rākṣasa; tena ca = with him; aham = I; na śaknomi = cannot; saṁyoddhum = fight; tasya = his; vā = or; balaiḥ = forces; sa-balaḥ vā = with my forces; muni-śreṣṭha = O best of the sages; sahitaḥ vā = or with; mama atmajaiḥ = my sons.
O best of the sages, indeed, that rākṣasa destroys the powers of the powerful in war. I cannot fight with him or his forces, with my forces or with my sons.
Rāvaṇa’s forces refer to Mārīca and so on.