Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 21: The Anger and Appeasal of Viśvāmitra
Text 1.21.14

तेऽपि पुत्राः कृशाश्वस्य प्रजापतिसुतासुताः।
नैकरूपा महावीर्या दीप्तिमन्तो जयावहाः॥

te ’pi putrāḥ kṛśāśvasya prajāpati-sutā-sutāḥ
mahā-vīryā dīptimanto jayāvahāḥ

te api = and those; putrāḥ = sons; kṛśāśvasya = of Kṛśāśva; prajāpati-sutā-sutāḥ = were sons of the daughters of Prajāpati Dakṣa; na-eka-rūpāḥ = they were of varied forms; mahā-vīryāḥ = of great prowess; dīptimantaḥ = brilliant; jaya-āvahāḥ = and brought about victory.

And those sons of Kṛśāśva were sons of the daughters of Prajāpati Dakṣa. They were of varied forms, of great prowess, brilliant and brought about victory.

Having noted the excellence of the father of these weapons’ presiding deities, he notes their mothers’ excellences here.