Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 24: The History of Sarayū
Text 1.24.4

विश्वामित्रस्तथेत्युक्त्वा तानृषीनभिपूज्य च।
ततार सहितस्ताभ्यां सरितं सागरंगमाम्॥

viśvāmitras tathety uktvā tān ṛṣīn abhipūjya ca
sahitas tābhyāṁ saritaṁ sāgaraṁ-gamām

viśvāmitraḥ = Viśvāmitra; tathā iti = alright; uktvā = told and; tān = those; ṛṣīn = sages; abhipūjya ca = honored them in return then; tatāra = he began to cross over; sahitaḥ = with; tābhyām = Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa; saritam = the river Gaṅgā; sāgaram-gamām = that reaches the ocean.

Viśvāmitra told those sages, “Alright” and honored them in return. Then, with Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa, he began to cross over the river Gaṅgā that reaches the ocean.