Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 25: The History of Tāṭakā
Text 1.25.18

न हि ते स्त्रीवधकृते घृणा कार्या नरोत्तम।
चातुर्वर्ण्यहितार्थाय कर्तव्यं राजसूनुना॥

na hi te strī-vadha-kṛte ghṛṇā kāryā narottama
kartavyaṁ rāja-sūnunā

na hi = not; te = You; strī-vadha-kṛte = with this activity of killing a woman; ghṛṇā kāryā = should be disgusted; nara-uttama = O prince; cāturvarṇya-hita-arthāya = for the welfare of the four varṇas; kartavyam = is dutybound to do so; rāja-sūnunā = for a prince.

O prince, You should not be disgusted with this activity of killing a woman, for a prince is dutybound to do so for the welfare of the four varṇas.