एतैश्चान्यैश्च बहुभी राजपुत्र महात्मभिः।
अधर्मसहिता नार्यो हताः पुरुषसत्तमैः।
तस्मादेनां घृणां त्यक्त्वा जहि मच्छासनान्नृप॥
etaiś cānyaiś ca bahubhī rāja-putra mahātmabhiḥ
adharma-sahitā nāryo hatāḥ puruṣa-sattamaiḥ
tasmād enāṁ ghṛṇāṁ tyaktvā jahi mac-chāsanān nṛpa
etaiḥ ca = by these; anyaiḥ ca = and other; bahubhīḥ = many; rāja-putra = O prince; mahā-ātmabhiḥ = great souls; adharma-sahitāḥ = of adharma; nāryaḥ = women; hatāḥ = have been killed; puruṣa-sattamaiḥ = who were men of excellence; tasmāt = therefore; enām = her; ghṛṇām = Your disgust over killing a woman; tyaktvā = giving up; jahi = kill her; mat-śāsanāt = on my order; nṛpa = O king.
O prince, women of adharma have been killed by these and many other great souls who were men of excellence. Therefore, giving up Your disgust over killing a woman, on my order, kill her, O king!