Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 26: The Killing of the Demoness Tāṭakā
Text 1.26.12
एनां पश्य दुराधर्षां निर्भिन्नहृदयां क्षितौ।
शयानां शयने वीर धूतपापां भयावहाम्॥
enāṁ paśya durādharṣāṁ nirbhinna-hṛdayāṁ kṣitau
śayānāṁ śayane vīra dhūta-pāpāṁ bhayāvahām
enām = at her; paśya = look; durādharṣām = she is unassailable; nirbhinna-hṛdayām = causing others’ hearts to split; kṣitau = on the earth; śayānām śayane = and had been lying; vīra = O hero; dhūta-pāpām = and is reproachable for her sins; bhaya-āvahām = she is terrifying.
O hero, look at her! She is unassailable and had been lying on the earth. She is terrifying, causing others’ hearts to split, and is reproachable for her sins.