Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 26: The Killing of the Demoness Tāṭakā
Text 1.26.39-40

चूतैश्च पनसैः पूगैर्नारिकेलैश्च शोभितम्।
वापीकूपतटाकैश्च दीर्घिकाभिरलङ्कृतम्॥

मल्लिकाहेमकूटैश्च मण्टपैरुपशोभितम्।
रमणीयं विबभ्राज यथा चैत्ररथं वनम्॥

cūtaiś ca panasaiḥ pūgair nārikelaiś ca śobhitam
ca dīrghikābhir alaṅkṛtam

mallikā-hemakūṭaiś ca maṇṭapair upaśobhitam
vibabhrāja yathā caitrarathaṁ vanam

cūtaiḥ ca = by mango; panasaiḥ = panasa; pūgaiḥ = betel-nut; nārikelaiḥ ca = and coconut trees; śobhitam = beautified; vāpī-kūpa-taṭākaiḥ = with ponds, wells, pools; dīrghikābhiḥ ca = and oblong lakes; alaṅkṛtam = decorated; mallikā-hemakūṭaiḥ ca = gold-crested with mallikā; maṇṭapaiḥ = with bowers; upaśobhitam = ornamented; ramaṇīyam = pleasant; vibabhrāja = became as; yathā = as Caitraratha; caitraratham = Kuvera’s garden; vanam = that forest.

Beautified by mango, panasa, betel-nut and coconut trees, decorated with ponds, wells, pools and oblong lakes, ornamented with bowers gold-crested with mallikā, that forest became as pleasant as Kuvera’s garden Caitraratha.1

1 The panasa is said to jackfruit. The dictionaries state that it is “bread-fruit.”