Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 28: Viśvāmitra Teaches Rāma to Withdraw Divine Weapons
Text 1.28.16

अथ ते राममामन्त्र्य कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्।
एवमस्त्विति काकुत्स्थमुक्त्वा जग्मुर्यथागतम्।
प्रणम्य शिरसा रामं सर्वे सम्मतविक्रमाः॥

atha te rāmam āmantrya kṛtvā cāpi pradakṣiṇam
astv iti kākutstham uktvā jagmur yathāgatam
śirasā rāmaṁ sarve sammata-vikramāḥ

atha = then; te = they; rāmam = Lord Rāma; āmantrya = sought His permission to leave; kṛtvā ca api pradakṣiṇam = they circumambulated and; evam astu iti = alright; kākutstham = Kākutstha Rāma; uktvā = they told; jagmuḥ = they went away; yathā-āgatam = as they came; praṇamya = having bowed; śirasā = their heads; rāmam = to Rāma; sarve = all of them; sammata-vikramāḥ = were certified by the learned as being filled with prowess.

Then, they circumambulated Lord Rāma and sought His permission to leave. They told Kākutstha Rāma, “Alright.” Having bowed their heads to Rāma, they went as they came. They were certified by the learned as being filled with prowess.