अथ विष्णुर्महातेजा अदित्यां समजायत।
छत्री भिक्षुकरूपेण कमण्डलुशिखोज्ज्वलः।
वामनं रूपमास्थाय वैरोचनिमुपागमत्॥
atha viṣṇur mahā-tejā adityāṁ samajāyata
chatrī bhikṣuka-rūpeṇa kamaṇḍalu-śikhojjvalaḥ
vāmanaṁ rūpam āsthāya vairocanim upāgamat
atha = then; viṣṇuḥ = Lord Viṣṇu; mahā-tejāḥ = of great prowess; adityām = from Aditi; samajāyata = took birth; chatrī = holding an umbrella; bhikṣuka-rūpeṇa = in the form of a mendicant; kamaṇḍalu-śikha-ujjvalaḥ = shining with a kamaṇḍalu and a śikhā; vāmanam = of a dwarf Vāmana; rūpam = the form; āsthāya = He accepted; vairocanim = the son of Virocana; upāgamat = and approached.
Then Lord Viṣṇu of great prowess took birth from Aditi. In the form of a mendicant holding an umbrella, shining with a kamaṇḍalu and a śikhā, He accepted the form of a dwarf—Vāmana—and approached the son of Virocana.