Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 1.29.33

उदके स्पृष्टमात्रे तु विश्वरूपधरो हरिः।
तत्रस्थ एव ववृधे येन पूर्णं जगत्त्रयम्।
सायुधैर्बाहुभिः पूर्णा दिग्विदिक्सर्वमेव हि॥

udake spṛṣṭa-mātre tu viśva-rūpa-dharo hariḥ
eva vavṛdhe yena pūrṇaṁ jagat-trayam
bāhubhiḥ pūrṇā dig vidik sarvam eva hi

udake = the water; spṛṣṭa-mātre tu = as soon as He touched; viśva-rūpa-dharaḥ = and assumed a universal form; hariḥ = Lord Hari; tatrasthaḥ eva = at that very spot; vavṛdhe = increased in size; yena = that form; pūrṇam = filled; jagat-trayam = the three worlds; sa-āyudhaiḥ = holding weapons; bāhubhiḥ = with arms; pūrṇā = were filled by that form; dig = all the cardinal; vidik = and subordinate directions; sarvam eva hi = everything.

As soon as He touched the water, Lord Hari increased in size at that very spot and assumed a universal form with arms holding weapons. That form filled the three worlds. Everything, all the cardinal and subordinate directions, were filled up by that form.