Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 35
महेन्द्राय पुनः प्रादान्नियम्य बलिमोजसा।
त्रैलोक्यं स महातेजाश्चक्रे शक्रवशं पुनः॥
mahendrāya punaḥ prādān niyamya balim ojasā
trailokyaṁ sa mahā-tejāś cakre śakra-vaśaṁ punaḥ
mahā-indrāya = to the great Indra; punaḥ = again; prādāt = He returned the three worlds; niyamya = having bound; balim = Bali; ojasā = by His prowess; trailokyam = the three worlds; saḥ mahā-tejāḥ = that Lord of great prowess; cakre = brought; śakra-vaśam = under the control of Indra; punaḥ = again.
Having bound Bali by His prowess, He returned the three worlds to the great Indra. That Lord of great prowess brought the three worlds again under the control of Indra.
The Supreme Lord bound Bali for He stepped over the three worlds with two steps and He did not have anything else to step over for His third step. Therefore, He bound Bali up [for not being able to fulfill his promise to Him].