Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 1.29.4

एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु राजा वैरोचनिर्बलिः।
निर्जित्य दैवतगणान्सेन्द्रांश्च समरुद्गणान्।
कारयामास तद्राज्यं त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतः॥

etasminn eva kāle tu rājā vairocanir baliḥ
daivata-gaṇān sendrāṁś ca samarud-gaṇān
āsa tad-rājyaṁ triṣu lokeṣu viśrutaḥ

etasmin eva kāle tu = it was during this time that; rājā = King; vairocaniḥ = the son of Virocana; baliḥ = Bali; nirjitya = defeated; daivata-gaṇān = the demigods; sa-indrān = along with Indra; ca = and; samarut-gaṇān = the Maruts; kārayām āsa tad-rājyam = ruled over Indra’s kingdom; triṣu = throughout the three; lokeṣu = worlds; viśrutaḥ and became famous.

It was during this time that King Bali, the son of Virocana, defeated the demigods along with Indra and the Maruts, ruled over Indra’s kingdom and became famous throughout the three worlds.

While Lord Viṣṇu was engaging in austerities, King Bali, the son of Virocana, who was the son of Prahlāda, ruled over Indra’s kingdom through his ministers.