Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 1.29.43

अद्यैव दीक्षां प्रविश भद्रं ते मुनिपुङ्गव।
सिद्धाश्रमो सिद्धः स्यात्सत्यममस्तु वचस्तव॥

adyaiva dīkṣāṁ praviśa bhadraṁ te muni-puṅgava
siddhaḥ syāt satyam astu vacas tava

adya eva = today itself; dīkṣām praviśa = please begin the preparation for the sacrifice; bhadram te = auspiciousness unto you; muni-puṅgava = O best of sages; siddhāśramaḥ siddhaḥ syāt = let Siddhāśrama become perfect; satyam astu vacaḥ tava =may your words become true.

O best of sages, auspiciousness unto you! Please begin the preparation for the sacrifice today itself. Let Siddhāśrama become perfect. May your words become true.

Lord Rāma implies, “We have entered Siddhāśrama today. Inaugurate the preparation for the sacrifice today itself. By the perfection of your sacrifice, let this Siddhāśrama (‘the āśrama of perfection’) become truthful to its name. May your words—atraiva puruṣa-vyāghra hantavyā duṣṭa-cāriṇaḥ, ‘Therefore, O tiger among men, these beings of evil acts should be killed.’—become true. I will kill the rākṣasas [who come to obstruct your sacrifice] by all means.”