Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 1.29.6
बलिर्वैरोचनिर्विष्णो यजते यज्ञमुत्तमम्।
असमाप्ते क्रतौ तस्मिन्स्वकार्यमभिपद्यताम्॥
balir vairocanir viṣṇo yajate yajñam uttamam
asamāpte kratau tasmin sva-kāryam abhipadyatām
baliḥ = Bali; vairocaniḥ = the son of Virocana; viṣṇuḥ = O Lord Viṣṇu; yajate = is performing; yajñam = sacrifice; uttamam = an excellent; asamāpte = before is completed; kratau = sacrifice; tasmin = that; sva-kāryam = our mission; abhipadyatām = please fully accomplish.
O Lord Viṣṇu, Bali, the son of Virocana, is performing an excellent sacrifice. Before that sacrifice is completed, please fully accomplish our mission.
If Bali completes his sacrifice, he will become unconquerable. Therefore, before it is completed, Lord Viṣṇu should carry out the mission of the demigods who had taken shelter of Him and so it is now His mission.