Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 1.29.7
ये चैनमभिवर्तन्ते याचितार इतस्ततः।
यच्च यत्र यथावच्च सर्वं तेभ्यः प्रयच्छति॥
ye cainam abhivartante yācitāra itas tataḥ
yac ca yatra yathāvac ca sarvaṁ tebhyaḥ prayacchati
ye ca enam abhivartante = when anyone comes to his sacrifice; yācitāraḥ = and begs; itaḥ tataḥ = from any place; yat ca yatra = for anything; yathāvat ca = respectfully; sarvam = all that has been asked; tebhyaḥ = him; prayacchati = Bali gives in charity.
When anyone comes to his sacrifice from any place and begs for anything, Bali respectfully gives him all that has been asked in charity.
[1] yasyai devatāyai havir gṛhītaṁ syāt tāṁ dhyāyed vaṣaṭ kariṣyan sākṣād eva tad devatāṁ prīṇāti.
One might object as follows: How is it possible for an asura to perform a fire sacrifice? According to the Śruti, in a fire sacrifice one has to meditate on particular deities, invoke their presence through chanting particular mantras, and submissively offer clarified butter for their satisfaction quote1. But that is impossible for the asuras who are hostile and inimical to the demigods. And one should not argue that it would still be possible for them to conduct fire sacrifices, for the mantras and the sacrifices are themselves capable of yielding the results of such sacrifices. No. The results of fire sacrifices are awarded by sentient beings, the demigods, when they are pleased with the sacrificers. The results cannot be achieved merely by engaging in the [external] acts of the fire sacrifice. Therefore, apart from the potencies of the mantras uttered in the fire sacrifice, one should understand that there are particular deities with forms such as Indra who actually holds a thunderbolt as his weapon, who are conscious beings [who award the results of the sacrifices when they are pleased with the sacrificers]. One should not claim that if the demigods are real conscious beings with forms, it would be impossible for them to be present in several fire sacrifices conducted simultaneously [in different places in order to receive the offering of clarified butter and bless the sacrificers with the results of each sacrifice]. They can, for they have celestial powers to assume many forms [at the same time] and so it is easy for them to become individually present at the various sacrifices [simultaneously]. Therefore, it is not possible for those hostile and inimical to the demigods to conduct fire sacrifices.
This objection is responded to as follows: In fire sacrifices where the demigods are worshipped, the above-mentioned defects would arise. But this sacrifice conducted by Bali does not involve worshipping the demigods. Rather, his sacrifice is a special one involving worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for it is well known that Bali was a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Another question might arise: Then why did Lord Viṣṇu stop His own devotee’s sacrifice and worship of Him?
The answer to this is: The Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot tolerate His own devotee becoming hostile and inimical to His other devotees. Just as a father disciplines a son inimical to his other sons, it is appropriate that Lord Viṣṇu disciplines Bali when he opposes the devas, for the devas have taken shelter of Him. Therefore, it is said [by the Supreme Personality of Godhead]:
mama mad-bhakta-bhakteṣu prītir abhyadhikā bhavet
“I have greater love for devotees of My devotees.”
When they begged Lord Viṣṇu to stop Bali’s sacrifice, in this verse they suggest how it can be stopped despite his adherence to Vedic dharma. He respectfully gives in charity whatever he is asked for, such as clothes and vehicles.