Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 1.29.9-10

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे राम कश्यपोऽग्निसमप्रभः।
अदित्या सहितो राम दीप्यमान इवौजसा॥

देवीसहायो भगवान्दिव्यं वर्षसहस्रकम्।
व्रतं समाप्य वरदं तुष्टाव मधुसूदनम्॥

etasminn antare rāma kaśyapo ’gni-sama-prabhaḥ
sahito rāma dīpyamāna ivaujasā

devī-sahāyo bhagavān divyaṁ varṣa-sahasrakam
samāpya varadaṁ tuṣṭāva madhusūdanam

etasmin antare = at this time; rāma = O Rāma; kaśyapaḥ = Kaśyapa; agni-sama-prabhaḥ = who is as brilliant as fire; adityā = by Aditi; sahitaḥ = was accompanied; rāma = O Rāma; dīpyamānaḥ = he was shining; iva = as if; ojasā = with prowess; devī-sahāyaḥ = accompanied by that goddess; bhagavān = the powerful sage; divyam = celestial; varṣa-sahasrakam = that lasted a thousand years; vratam = his vow; samāpya = had completed, and; varadam = the giver of boons; tuṣṭāva = satisfied; madhusūdanam = Lord Madhusūdana.

O Rāma, at this time, Kaśyapa who is as brilliant as fire was accompanied by Aditi as if he was shining with prowess. O Rāma, accompanied by that goddess, the powerful sage had completed his vow that lasted a thousand celestial years, and satisfied Lord Madhusūdana, the giver of boons.

“At this time” means “when the devas were praying to Lord Viṣṇu.” Kaśyapa had completed the performance of a vow for the satisfaction of Lord Viṣṇu along with Aditi. Varadam indicates that Lord Viṣṇu had appeared in front of him to grant him whatever he sought. Aditi was present with Kaśyapa when he was carrying out his vow and when Lord Viṣṇu appeared to grant their desired boon.

This is the sequence of events: The Śruti states that the Supreme Lord desired to become many and bring forth the living entities into this world; then He performed austerities.[2] Absorbed in thoughts of protecting the entire world, Lord Viṣṇu invisibly resided in this particular place, Siddhāśrama, for a long time. Kaśyapa learnt of this and wanted to obtain Him as his son. With this desire, Kaśyapa carried out a vow for a thousand celestial years. He was accompanied by Aditi-devī and the vow was to worship Lord Viṣṇu. At the end of the performance of that vow, Lord Viṣṇu became visible to them in order to grant them the boon they sought. It is at that time that the devas came to Lord Viṣṇu and prayed to help them.

[2] so ’kāmayata bahuḥ syāṁ prajāyeyeti sa tapo ’tapyata.