Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 34: Satyavatī, Viśvāmitra’s Elder Sister
Text 1.34.13
एषा राम ममोत्पत्तिः स्वस्य वंशस्य कीर्तिता।
देशस्य च महाबाहो यन्मां त्वं परिपृच्छसि॥
eṣā rāma mamotpattiḥ svasya vaṁśasya kīrtitā
deśasya ca mahā-bāho yan māṁ tvaṁ paripṛcchasi
eṣā = thus; rāma = O Rāma; mama utpattiḥ = my birth; svasya vaṁśasya = and the birth of my dynasty; kīrtitā = I have described; deśasya ca = I have also described the glory of this place; mahā-bāho = O mighty armed; yat mām tvam paripṛcchasi = which you asked me about.
O Rāma, thus I have described my birth and the birth of my dynasty. O mighty-armed, I have also described the glory of this place which You have asked me about.
The birth of Viśvāmitra as well as his dynasty was described just incidentally. Lord Rāma had actually asked about the glory of this place, Girivraja, and Śrī Viśvāmitra had described that.