Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 34: Satyavatī, Viśvāmitra’s Elder Sister
Text 1.34.14

गतोऽर्धरात्रः काकुत्स्थ कथाः कथयतो मम।
निद्रामभ्येहि भद्रं ते मा भूद्विघ्नोऽध्वनीह नः॥

gato ’rdha-rātraḥ kākutstha kathāḥ kathayato mama
abhyehi bhadraṁ te bhūd vighno ’dhvanīha naḥ

gataḥ ardha-rātraḥ = now it is already late night; kākutstha = O descendant of Kakutstha; kathāḥ kathayataḥ mama = I have been telling these histories to you now; nidrām abhyehi = go to sleep; bhadram te = auspiciousness unto you; bhūt vighnaḥ = let there be no obstacles; adhvani iha naḥ = on our path way tomorrow.

O descendant of Kakutstha, I have been telling these histories to You and now it is already late night! Auspiciousness unto You! Go to sleep. Let there be no obstacles on our pathway tomorrow.

The sage Viśvāmitra desired to tell Lord Rāma that He should not ask further questions now. Lord Rāma might ask the sage, “What is wrong in being awake now?” Therefore, the sage says bhūd vighno ’dhvanīha naḥ: “Let there be no laziness because of lack of sleep today. Let there be no obstacles on our way tomorrow because of laziness caused due to tonight’s lack of sleep.”