Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 34: Satyavatī, Viśvāmitra’s Elder Sister
Text 1.34.8

सशरीरा गता स्वर्गं भर्तारमनुवर्तिनी।
कौशिकी परमोदारा प्रवृत्ता च महानदी॥

saśarīrā gatā svargaṁ bhartāram anuvartinī
paramodārā pravṛttā ca mahā-nadī

saśarīrā = with her body; gatā = she went; svargam = to svarga; bhartāram = her husband; anuvartinīḥ = following; kauśikīḥ = Kauśikī; parama udārā = being greatly general generous; pravṛttā = assumed; ca = also; mahā-nadīḥ = the form of the great river Kauśikī.

Following her husband with her body, she went to Svarga. Being greatly generous, she also assumed the form of the great river Kauśikī.

It is implied that Satyavatī attained Svarga because she followed her husband, that is, by the influence of the religious principle of following her husband. She did not merely go to Svarga. She also appeared in the form of a great river named Kauśikī.