Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 35: The History of Gaṅga
Text 1.35.10-11

ततः स्नात्वा यथान्यायं सन्तर्प्य पितृदेवताः।
हुत्वा चैवाग्निहोत्राणि प्राश्य चामृतवद्धविः॥

विविशुर्जाह्नवीतीरे शुचौ मुदितमानसाः।
विश्वामित्रं महात्मानं परिवार्य समन्ततः।
विष्ठिताश्च यथान्यायं राघवौ च यथार्हतः॥

tataḥ snātvā yathā-nyāyaṁ santarpya pitṛ-devatāḥ
caivāgnihotrāṇi prāśya cāmṛtavad dhaviḥ

viviśur jāhnavī-tīre śucau mudita-mānasāḥ
mahātmānaṁ parivārya samantataḥ
viṣṭhitāś ca yathā-nyāyaṁ rāghavau ca yathārhataḥ

tataḥ = then; snātvā = took path; yathā-nyāyam = according to the scriptural rites; santarpya = offered oblations; pitṛ-devatāḥ = to the fore fathers and sages; hutvā = performed; ca eva = other fire sacrifices; agnihotrāṇi = the five great sacrifices; prāśya = ate; ca = and; amṛtavat = the nectarean; haviḥ = sacrificial remenance; viviśuḥ = came to; jāhnavī-tīre = on the banks of the Gaṅgā; śucau = a clean spot; mudita-mānasāḥ = with delighted minds; viśvāmitram = Viśvāmitra; mahā-ātmānam = the great soul; parivārya samantataḥ = around; viṣṭhitāḥ ca = they sat; yathā-nyāyam = as per scriptural rules; rāghavau ca = and the Rāghavas; yathā-arhataḥ = and as appropriate.

Then, they and the Rāghavas took bath, offered oblations to the forefathers and sages according to the scriptural rites, performed the five great sacrifices and other fire sacrifices, ate the nectarean sacrificial remnants and came to a clean spot on the banks of Gaṅgā with delighted minds. They sat around the great soul Viśvāmitra as per scriptural rules and as appropriate.

They recited the Agha-marṣaṇa Sūkta and other such mantras before performing their oblations. Regarding the nectarean sacrificial remnants, the Smṛti states—yajña-śiṣṭāmṛta-bhujo yānti brahma sanātanam: “Having tasted the nectar of the results of sacrifices, they advance toward the supreme eternal atmosphere.” (Bhagavad-gītā 4.30) The clean spot on the Gaṅgā was away from the place of eating and free from all visible contamination.