Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 35: The History of Gaṅga
Text 1.35.12
अथ तत्र तदा रामो विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्।
भगवञ्श्रोतुमिच्छामि गङ्गां त्रिपथगां नदीम्॥
atha tatra tadā rāmo viśvāmitram athābravīt
bhagavañ śrotum icchāmi gaṅgāṁ tri-pathagāṁ nadīm
atha tatra = after they were seated there; tadā rāmaḥ = Śrī Rāma; viśvāmitram = Viśvāmitra; atha abravīt = requested; bhagavan = O Lord; śrotum icchāmi = I wish to hear; gaṅgām = the history of Gaṅgā; tri-pathagām = who traverses through the three worlds; nadīm = the river.
After they were seated there, Śrī Rāma requested Viśvāmitra: O Lord, I wish to hear the history of the river Gaṅgā who traverses through the three worlds.