Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 36: Umā Curses the Demigods
Text 1.36.27

तान्सर्वान्व्रीडितान्दृष्ट्वा सुरान्सुरपतिस्तदा।
गमनायोपचक्राम दिशं वरुणपालिताम्॥

tān sarvān vrīḍitān dṛṣṭvā surān sura-patis tadā
diśaṁ varuṇa-pālitām

tān sarvān = all the; vrīḍitān = embarrassed; dṛṣṭvā = noticing; surān = demigods; sura-patiḥ = the Lord of the demigods; tadā = then; gamanāya = to go; upacakrāma = prepared; diśam varuṇa-pālitām = to the west.

Noticing all the demigods embarrassed, the Lord of the demigods then prepared to go to the west.

Lord Rudra noticed that the demigods were embarrassed by his beloved wife’s curse upon them. But because it was impossible for him to undo the curse of his beloved wife and see the demigods distressed by her curse, he prepared to go to the west of Himālayas.