Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 37: The History of Skanda
Text 1.37.7

शैलपुत्र्या यदुक्तं तन्न प्रजाः सन्तु पत्निषु।
तस्या वचनमक्लिष्टं सत्यमेतन्न संशयः॥

śaila-putryā yad uktaṁ tan na prajāḥ santu patniṣu
vacanam akliṣṭaṁ satyam etan na saṁśayaḥ

śaila-putryā yat uktaṁ tat = Himavān’s daughter Pārvatī has stated that; na prajāḥ santu = none of you able to beget children; patniṣu = through your wives; tasyāḥ = of her’s; vacanam = that statement; akliṣṭam = is infallible; satyam etat = I speak the truth; na saṁśayaḥ = do not doubt it.

Himavān’s daughter Pārvatī had stated that none of you will be able to beget children through your wives. I speak the truth: That statement of hers is infallible. Do not doubt it.

Lord Brahmā speaks this in response to the demigods’ request that he makes an alternative arrangement for them to have a commander-in-chief.