Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 39: Sagara’s Sons Search for the Sacrificial Horse
Text 1.39.15

यावत्तुरगसन्दर्शस्तावत्खनते मेदिनीम्।
तं चैव हयहर्तारं मार्गमाणा ममाज्ञया॥

yāvat turaga-sandarśas tāvat khanate medinīm
caiva haya-hartāraṁ mārgamāṇā mamājñayā

yāvat = until; turaga-sandarśaḥ = you see the horse; tāvat khanata medinīm = all of you should dig the earth; tam = the one who; ca eva = and; haya-hartāram = who stole the horse; mārgamāṇāḥ = search; mama ājñayā = on my order.

All of you should dig the earth and, on my order, search for the one who stole the horse until you see the horse.

And if they cannot find the horse on the surface of earth, Sagara Mahārāja said, they should dig the earth.