Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 4: Kuśa and Lava Meet Lord Rāmacandra
Text 1.4.18
प्रविश्य तावुभौ सुष्ठु तदा भावमगायताम्।
सहितौ मधुरं रक्तं सम्पन्नं स्वरसम्पदा॥
praviśya tāv ubhau suṣṭhu tadā bhāvam agāyatām
sahitau madhuraṁ raktaṁ sampannaṁ svara-sampadā
praviśya = into the mood of the poem; tau = while the sages heard them, Kuśa and Lava; ubhau = both; suṣṭhu = nicely; tadā = both; bhāvam = into the mood of poem; agāyatām = sang; sahitau = with equal tempo; madhuram = sweet, pleasant; raktam = and filled with various rāgas; sampannam = endowed with; svara-sampadā =and filled with various svaras.
While the sages heard them, both Kuśa and Lava sang with equal tempo, nicely entering into the mood of the poem that was endowed with melodious svaras, sweet, pleasant and filled with various rāgas.