Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 4: Kuśa and Lava Meet Lord Rāmacandra
Text 1.4.34

ह्लादयत्सर्वगात्राणि मनांसि हृदयानि च।
श्रोत्राश्रयसुखं गेयं तद्बभौ जनसंसदि॥

hlādayat sarva-gātrāṇi manāṁsi hṛdayāni ca
śrotrāśraya-sukhaṁ geyaṁ tad babhau jana-saṁsadi

hlādayat =delighting; sarva-gātrāṇi = all parts of the body; manāṁsi = minds; hṛdayāni = the hearts; ca = and; śrotṛ-āśraya-sukham = the pleasure of the hearing faculty; geyam = song of Kuśa and Lava; tat = the; babhau = spread; jana-saṁsadi = in the assembly.

Delighting all parts of the body, the hearts and minds, the pleasure of the hearing faculty, the song of Kuśa and Lava, spread in the assembly.