Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 40: Lord Kapila Punishes Sagara’s Sons
Text 1.40.17-18

ततः पूर्वां दिशं भित्त्वा दक्षिणां बिभिदुः पुनः।
दक्षिणस्यामपि दिशि ददृशुस्ते महागजम्॥

महापद्मं महात्मानं सुमहत्पर्वतोपमम्।
शिरसा धारयन्तं ते विस्मयं जग्मुरुत्तमम्॥

tataḥ pūrvāṁ diśaṁ bhittvā dakṣiṇāṁ bibhiduḥ punaḥ
api diśi dadṛśus te mahā-gajam

mahāpadmaṁ mahātmānaṁ sumahat-parvatopamam
dhārayantaṁ te vismayaṁ jagmur uttamam

tataḥ = after; pūrvām diśam = in the east; bhittvā = piercing through; dakṣiṇām = in the south; bibhiduḥ = they dug; punaḥ = again; dakṣiṇasyām api = in the southern; diśi = region [of the earth]; dadṛśuḥ = saw; te = they; mahā-gajam = a great elephant holding up the southern region [of the earth]; mahāpadmam = Mahāpadma; mahā-ātmānam = that great soul; sumahat-parvata-upamam = was as large as a very great mountain; śirasā = on its head; dhārayantam = holding it; te = the sons of Sagara; vismayam = astonished; jagmuḥ = became; uttamam = utterly.

After piercing through in the east, they dug in the south. Again, they saw a great elephant in the southern region [of the earth], holding it on its head. That great soul Mahāpadma was as large as a very great mountain. The sons of Sagara became utterly astonished.