Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 41: Aṁśumān Searches for His Uncles and the Horse
Text 1.41.9

दिशागजस्तु तच्छ्रुत्वा प्रत्युवाच महामतिः।
आसमञ्ज कृतार्थस्त्वं सहाश्वः शीघ्रमेष्यसि॥

diśā-gajas tu tac chrutvā pratyuvāca mahā-matiḥ
kṛtārthas tvaṁ sahāśvaḥ śīghram eṣyasi

diśā-gajaḥ tu = the elephant guarding a direction; tat śrutvā = upon hearing his words; pratyuvāca = replied; mahā-matiḥ = greatly intelligent; āsamañja = the son of Asamanja; kṛta-arthaḥ tvam = you will attain your goal; saha-aśvaḥ = with that horse; śīghram = soon; eṣyasi = and go back.

Upon hearing his words, the greatly intelligent elephant guarding a direction replied: O son of Asamañja, you will soon attain your goal and go [back] with that horse.