Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 42: Bhagīratha’s Austerities for Gaṅgā’s Descent
Text 1.42.26

तमेवमुक्त्वा राजानं गङ्गां चाभाष्य लोककृत्।
जगाम त्रिदिवं देवः सह देवैर्मरुद्गणैः॥

tam evam uktvā rājānaṁ gaṅgāṁ cābhāṣya lokakṛt
tridivaṁ devaḥ saha devair marud-gaṇaiḥ

tam = to the; evam = thus; uktvā = having spoken; rājānam = king; gaṅgām = Gaṅgā; ca = and; ābhāṣya = having instructed; lokakṛt = the creator of the worlds; jagāma = departed; tridivam = to heavens; devaḥ = divine; saha = with; devaiḥ = the demigods; marud-gaṇaiḥ = and the Maruts.

Having spoken thus to the king and having instructed Gaṅgā, the creator of the worlds departed to the heavens with the demigods and the Maruts.

Lord Brahmā told Gaṅgā, “My dear child, please be merciful unto the king at the right time.