Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 42: Bhagīratha’s Austerities for Gaṅgā’s Descent
Text 1.42.6
कथं गङ्गावतरणं कथं तेषां जलक्रिया।
तारयेयं कथं चैनानिति चिन्तापरोऽभवत्॥
kathaṁ gaṅgāvataraṇaṁ kathaṁ teṣāṁ jala-kriyā
tārayeyaṁ kathaṁ cainān iti cintā-paro ’bhavat
katham = how; gaṅgā-avataraṇam = can Gaṅgā be brought down from heavens; katham = how; teṣām = for my grandfathers; jala-kriyā = can I perform the final rites; tārayeyam = can I deliver; katham = how; ca = and; enān = them; iti = thus; cintā-paraḥ abhavat = thinking he became filled with anxiety.
“How can Gaṅgā be brought down [from the heavens]? How can I perform the final rites for my grandfathers? And how can I deliver them?” Thinking thus, he became filled with anxiety.
This verse describes Dilīpa’s anxiety.