Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 44: Bhagīratha Delivers his Uncles
Text 1.44.12

सा त्वया समतिक्रान्ता प्रतिज्ञा पुरुष-र्षभ।
प्राप्तोऽसि परमं लोके यशः परमसम्मतम्॥

tvayā samatikrāntā pratijñā puruṣa-rṣabha
’si paramaṁ loke yaśaḥ parama-sammatam

= that; tvayā = you; samatikrāntā = have fulfilled; pratijñā = promise; puruṣa-ṛṣabha = O best of men; prāptaḥ = attained; asi = you have; paramam = supreme; loke = in the world; yaśaḥ = fame; parama-sammatam = a fame that is supremely approved.

O best of men, you have fulfilled that promise. You have attained supreme fame in the world, a fame that is supremely approved.