Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 45: The Churning of the Milk Ocean
Text 1.45.48
एकतोऽभ्यागमन्सर्वे ह्यसुरा राक्षसैः सह।
युद्धमासीन्महाघोरं वीर त्रैलोक्यमोहनम्॥
ekato ’bhyāgaman sarve hy asurā rākṣasaiḥ saha
yuddham āsīn mahā-ghoraṁ vīra trailokya-mohanam
ekataḥ abhyāgaman sarve hi asurāḥ = all the asuras then joined together; rākṣasaiḥ = the rākṣasas; saha = with; yuddham āsīt mahā-ghoram = there was a great terrible war; vīra = O hero; trailokya-mohanam = that bewildered the three worlds.
All the asuras then joined together with the rākṣasas. O hero, there was a great terrible war that bewildered the three worlds.