Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 5: The City of Ayodhyā
Text 1.5.2
येषां स सगरो नाम सागरो येन खानितः।
षष्टिः पुत्रसहस्राणि यं यान्तं पर्यवारयन्॥
yeṣāṁ sa sagaro nāma sāgaro yena khānitaḥ
ṣaṣṭiḥ putra-sahasrāṇi yaṁ yāntaṁ paryavārayan
yeṣām = among such kings; saḥ = was the; sagaraḥ = Sagara; nāma = famous king named; sāgaraḥ = ocean yena = who; khānitaḥ = had the earth dug up, thus bringing about; ṣaṣṭiḥ putra-sahasrāṇi = his 60,000 sons; yam yāntam paryavārayan = and who was followed.
Among such kings was the famous king named Sagara who had the earth dug up, thus bringing about the ocean, and who was followed by his 60,000 sons.
He then describes a little about the victorious nature of those kings. Sagara was a famous king, so famous that the ocean got the name Sāgara after Sagara. His 60,000 sons followed him while on a military expedition when he dug the ocean. Though other kings existed in the dynasty beginning from Ikṣvāku, Sagara alone is mentioned here as he renovated the earth.