इमौ कुमारौ भद्रं ते देवतुल्यपराक्रमौ।
गजसिंहगती वीरौ शार्दूलवृषभोपमौ॥
पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षौ खड्गतूणीधनुर्धरौ।
अश्विनाविव रूपेण समुपस्थितयौवनौ॥
यदृच्छयैव गां प्राप्तौ देवलोकादिवामरौ॥
बद्धगोधाङ्गुलित्राणौ खड्गवन्तौ महाद्युती।
काकपक्षधरौ वीरौ कुमाराविव पावकी।
रूपौदार्यगुणैः पुंसां दृष्टिचित्तापहारिणौ॥
प्राकाश्यं कुलमस्माकं मामुद्धर्तुमिहागतौ।
कथं पद्भ्यामिह प्राप्तौ किमर्थं कस्य वा मुने॥
imau kumārau bhadraṁ te deva-tulya-parākramau
gaja-siṁha-gatī vīrau śārdūla-vṛṣabhopamau
padma-patra-viśālākṣau khaḍga-tūṇī-dhanurdharau
aśvināv iva rūpeṇa samupasthita-yauvanau
yadṛcchayaiva gāṁ prāptau deva-lokād ivāmarau
baddha-godhāṅguli-trāṇau khaḍgavantau mahā-dyutī
kāka-pakṣadharau vīrau kumārāv iva pāvakī
rūpaudārya-guṇaiḥ puṁsāṁ dṛṣṭi-cittāpahāriṇau
prākāśyaṁ kulam asmākaṁ mām uddhartum ihāgatau
kathaṁ padbhyām iha prāptau kimarthaṁ kasya vā mune
imau = these boys; kumārau bhadram te = auspiciousness unto you; deva-tulya-parākramau = Their prowess is equal to that of Lord Viṣṇu; gaja-siṁha-gatī = Their gaits are like those of the elephant and the lion; vīrau = They make their enemies cry; śārdūla-vṛṣabha-upamau They resemble the tiger and the bull padma-patra-viśāla-akṣau = Their long eyes are like lotus petal; khaḍga-tūṇī-dhanurdharau = They hold swords, arrows and bows; aśvinau iva rūpeṇa = as beautiful as Aśvinī-kumāras; samupasthita-yauvanau = They have just reached youth; yadṛcchayā eva gām prāptau = who have come to earth by good fortune; deva-lokāt iva amarau = They are like two immortals from the world of the demigods; baddha-godha-aṅguli-trāṇau khaḍgavantau mahā-dyutī = greatly effulgent with bows in hand, skin protecting Their arms and fingers and swords; kāka-pakṣa-dharau = with sidelocks of hair; vīrau = heroic; kumārau = these boys; iva pāvakī = resemble fire; rūpa-audārya-guṇaiḥ = with Their beauty, generosity and attractive qualities; puṁsām = of men; dṛṣṭi-citta-apahāriṇau = They steal the hearts and vision; prākāśyam = evidently; kulam asmākam mām uddhartum iha āgatau = They have arrived here to deliver me and our dynasty; katham = how; padbhyām = with Their feet; iha prāptau = did come here; kimartham kasya vā = for whose sake did They come; mune = O sage.
O sage, auspiciousness unto you. How did these boys come here with Their feet? Their prowess is equal to that of Lord Viṣṇu. Their gaits are like those of the elephant and the lion. They make their enemies cry. They resemble the tiger and the bull. Their long eyes are like lotus petals. They hold swords, arrows and bows. As beautiful as Aśvinī-kumāras, They have just reached youth. They are like two immortals who have come from the world of the demigods to earth by good fortune. Greatly effulgent with bows in hand, skin protecting Their arms and fingers and swords, these heroic boys with sidelocks of hair resemble fire. They steal the hearts and vision of men with Their beauty, generosity and attractive qualities. Evidently, They have arrived here to deliver me and our dynasty. For whose sake did They come?