Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 51: King Viśvāmitra Arrives at Vasiṣṭha’s Āśrama
Text 1.51.10
तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः।
प्रत्युवाच शतानन्दं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्॥
tac chrutvā vacanaṁ tasya viśvāmitro mahā-muniḥ
pratyuvāca śatānandaṁ vākyajño vākya-kovidam
tat = those; śrutvā = hearing; vacanam = words of his; tasya viśvāmitraḥ = Viśvāmitra; mahā-muniḥ = the mighty sage; pratyuvāca = replied to; śatānandam = Śatānanda; vākyajñaḥ = the knower of words; vākya-kovidam = who was skilled in words.
Hearing those words of his, the mighty sage Viśvāmitra, the knower of words, replied to Śatānanda who was skilled in words.