Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 52: Śabalā, Vasiṣṭha’s Wish-fulfilling Cow
Text 1.52.12

ततो वसिष्ठो भगवान्कथान्ते रघुनन्दन।
विश्वामित्रमिदं वाक्यमुवाच प्रहसन्निव॥

tato vasiṣṭho bhagavān kathānte raghu-nandana
idaṁ vākyam uvāca prahasann iva

tataḥ = after; vasiṣṭhaḥ = Vasiṣṭha; bhagavān = the powerful; kathā-ante = the conversation had ended; raghu-nandana = O descendant of Raghu; viśvāmitram = to Viśvāmitra; idam vākyam = the following words; uvāca = spoke; prahasann iva = smilingly.

O descendant of Raghu, after the conversation had ended, the powerful Vasiṣṭha smilingly spoke to Viśvāmitra the following words.