Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 53: Śabalā Feeds King Viśvāmitra and his Entourage
Text 1.53.19-21

हैरण्यानां रथानां ते श्वेताश्वानां चतुर्युजाम्।
ददामि ते शतान्यष्टौ किङ्किणीकविभूषीतान्॥

हयानां देशजातानां कुलजानां महौजसाम्।
सहस्रमेकं दश च ददामि तव सुव्रत॥

नानावर्णविभक्तानां वयःस्थानां तथैव च।
ददाम्येकां गवां कोटिं शबला दीयतां मम॥

hairaṇyānāṁ rathānāṁ te śvetāśvānāṁ caturyujām
te śatāny aṣṭau kiṅkiṇīka-vibhūṣītān

hayānāṁ deśa-jātānāṁ kulajānāṁ mahaujasām
ekaṁ daśa ca dadāmi tava suvrata

nānā-varṇa-vibhaktānāṁ vayaḥsthānāṁ tathaiva ca
ekāṁ gavāṁ koṭiṁ śabalā dīyatāṁ mama

hairaṇyānām rathānām = golden chariots; te = you; śveta-aśvānām caturyujām = each yoked with four white horses; dadāmi = I will give; te = you; śatāni aṣṭau = 800; kiṅkiṇīka-vibhūṣītān = furnished with bells and reins; hayānām = horses; deśa-jātānām = of gandharva breeds; kulajānām = born in Kāmbhoja, Bāhlīka and other countries; mahā-ojasām = greatly powerful; sahasram ekam daśa ca = 11,000; dadāmi = I will give; tava suvrata = O one of auspicious vows; nānā-varṇa-vibhaktānām = distinct of different colors; vayaḥ-sthānām = youthful; tathā eva ca = and; dadāmi = I will give; ekām gavām koṭim = 10,000,000 cows; śabalā dīyatām mama = give me Śabalā.

I will give you 800 golden chariots furnished with bells and reins, each yoked with four white horses. O one of auspicious vows, I will give you 1,001 greatly powerful horses of gandharva breeds born in Kāmbhoja, Bāhlīka and other countries. I will give you 10,000,000 youthful and distinct cows of different colors. Give me Śabalā.

A Purāṇa indicates that a good horse is of the gandharva breed.[3]

[3] gandharva-kula-jātas tvam.