Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 56: King Viśvāmitra Decides to Become a Brāhmaṇa
Text 1.56.18

रोमकूपेषु सर्वेषु वसिष्ठस्य महात्मनः।
मरीच्य इव निष्पेतुरग्नेर्धूमाकुलार्चिषः॥

roma-kūpeṣu sarveṣu vasiṣṭhasya mahātmanaḥ
iva niṣpetur agner dhūmākulārciṣaḥ

roma-kūpeṣu = hair pore of the body; sarveṣu = of every; vasiṣṭhasya = Vasiṣṭha; mahā-ātmanaḥ = of the great soul; marīcyaḥ iva = just as sparks; niṣpetuḥ = darted out; agneḥ = [come] out of fire; dhūma-ākula-arciṣaḥ = smoky flames.

Smoky flames [darted out] of every hair pore of the body of the great soul Vasiṣṭha, just as sparks [come] out of fire.