Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 57: King Triśaṅku’s Desire
Text 1.57.13-14

प्रत्याख्यातो वसिष्ठेन स ययौ दक्षिणां दिशम्।
ततस्तत्कर्मसिद्ध्यर्थं पुत्रांस्तस्य गतो नृपः॥

वासिष्ठा दीर्घतपसस्तपो यत्र हि तेपिरे।
त्रिशङ्कुः सुमहातेजाः शतं परमभास्वरम्।
वसिष्ठपुत्रान्ददृशे तप्यमानान्यशस्विनः॥

pratyākhyāto vasiṣṭhena sa yayau dakṣiṇāṁ diśam
tat-karma-siddhy-arthaṁ putrāṁs tasya gato nṛpaḥ

vāsiṣṭhā dīrgha-tapasas tapo yatra hi tepire
sumahā-tejāḥ śataṁ parama-bhāsvaram
dadṛśe tapyamānān yaśasvinaḥ

pratyākhyātaḥ = [his proposal] rejected; vasiṣṭhena = by Vasiṣṭha; saḥ = Triśaṅku; yayau = went; dakṣiṇām diśam = to the south; tataḥ tat-karma-siddhi-artham = in order to attain success in his endeavor [of going to Svarga in his own body]; putrān = sons; tasya = Vasiṣṭha’s; gataḥ = approached; nṛpaḥ = the king; vāsiṣṭhāḥ = they; dīrgha-tapasaḥ tapaḥ yatra hi tepire = at the place where had been performing austerities for a long time; triśaṅkuḥ = Triśaṅku; sumahā-tejāḥ = of very great prowess; śatam = the hundred; parama-bhāsvaram = and extremely effulgent; vasiṣṭha-putrān = sons of Vasiṣṭha; dadṛśe = saw; tapyamānān = engaged in austerities; yaśasvinaḥ=famous.

[His proposal] rejected by Vasiṣṭha, Triśaṅku went to the south. In order to attain success in his endeavor [of going to Svarga in his own body], the king approached Vasiṣṭha’s sons at the place where they had been performing austerities for a long time. Triśaṅku of very great prowess saw the hundred famous and extremely effulgent sons of Vasiṣṭha engaged in austerities.