Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 57: King Triśaṅku’s Desire
Text 1.57.18

शिरसा प्रणतो याचे ब्राह्मणांस्तपसि स्थितान्।
ते मां भवन्तः सिद्ध्यर्थं याजयन्तु समाहिताः।
सशरीरो यथाहं हि देवलोकमावाप्नुयाम्॥

śirasā praṇato yāce brāhmaṇāṁs tapasi sthitān
māṁ bhavantaḥ siddhy-arthaṁ yājayantu samāhitāḥ
yathāhaṁ hi deva-lokam āvāpnuyām

śirasā praṇataḥ = bowing down my head; yāce = I beg; brāhmaṇān = the brāhmaṇas; tapasi sthitān = situated in austerity; te mām bhavantaḥ siddhi-artham yājayantu samāhitāḥ = please perform a sacrifice carefully for the success of my endeavors; saśarīraḥ yatha aham hi deva-lokam āvāpnuyām = so that I can attain the world of the devas in this very body.

Bowing down my head, I beg the brāhmaṇas situated in austerity: Please perform a sacrifice carefully for the success of my endeavors so that I can attain the world of the devas in this very body.

Brāhmaṇān indicates that Triśaṅku was aware that they were knowers of the Supreme Brahman.