सृष्ट्वा नक्षत्रवंशं च क्रोधेन कलुषीकृतः।
अन्यमिन्द्रं करिष्यामि लोको वा स्यादनिन्द्रकः।
दैवतान्यपि स क्रोधात्स्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे॥
sṛṣṭvā nakṣatra-vaṁśaṁ ca krodhena kaluṣīkṛtaḥ
anyam indraṁ kariṣyāmi loko vā syād anindrakaḥ
daivatāny api sa krodhāt sraṣṭuṁ samupacakrame
sṛṣṭvā = having created; nakṣatra-vaṁśam ca = minor stars; krodhena kaluṣīkṛtaḥ = contaminated by anger [he resolved]; anyam = another; indram = Indra[for the Svarga that I intend to create]; kariṣyāmi = I will create; lokaḥ = a Svargaloka; vā = or; syāt anindrakaḥ = without an Indra; daivatāni = demigods; api = too; saḥ = he; krodhāt = out of anger; sraṣṭum = to create; samupacakrame = began.
Having created minor stars, contaminated by anger, [he resolved], “I will create another Indra [for the Svarga that I intend to create], or a Svargaloka without an Indra.”1 Out of anger, he began to create demigods too.
1 This verse should not be misunderstood to mean that Viśvāmitra wanted to make the existing Svarga devoid of its Indra, for later in this chapter it will be stated that he wanted to create another set of demigods. “Another set of demigods” implies that the existing set of demigods would remain.
Viśvāmitra thought, “Either I will create an Indra for the Svarga that I am creating or let that Svarga that I am creating be devoid of an Indra—let Triśaṅku himself be the Indra there, and I will create his associate demigods.” And then he began creating such demigods.