Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 61: Śunaḥśepa Sold
Text 1.61.2
महान्विघ्नः प्रवृत्तोऽयं दक्षिणामास्थितो दिशम्।
दिशमन्यां प्रपत्स्यामस्तत्र तप्स्यामहे तपः॥
mahān vighnaḥ pravṛtto ‘yaṁ dakṣiṇām āsthito diśam
diśam anyāṁ prapatsyāmas tatra tapsyāmahe tapaḥ
mahān = great; vighnaḥ = disturbance; pravṛttaḥ = has taken place; ayam = a; dakṣiṇām āsthitaḥ diśam = [here] in the south; diśam anyām = to another region; prapatsyāmaḥ = let us go; tatra = there; tapsyāmahe = and perform; tapaḥ = our austerities.
A great disturbance has taken place [here] in the south. Let us go to another region and perform our austerities there.
1 Triśaṅku took shelter of Viśvāmitra when he was residing there. Viśvāmitra considered the events consequent to that to be a great disturbance to his austerities to become a genuine brāhmaṇa.
[At that time,] Viśvāmitra was residing in the south and he had faced a great disturbance.1